Delta Hat at ISPOR Europe 2018

Delta Hat attended the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) annual European conference in Barcelona, Spain.

The team presented research covering a range of topics including the appropriateness of Matching Adjusted Indirect Comparison (MAIC) and the accuracy of survival projections for immunotherapies. Below are all Delta Hat’s presentations at this year’s conference:

W21: Indirect Treatment Comparisons: An Interactive Workshop on Choosing the Right Tool for the Available Data. Gunsoy N, Hatswell AJ, Kristy R. Link

MO2: Modelling Overall Survival in Immunotherapy using Parametric Techniques: Avelumab in Previously Treated Metastatic Merkel Cell Carcinoma. Bullement A, Amin A, Stapelkamp C, Willis A, Lilley C, Hatswell AJ, Pescott C, Bharmal M.Link

PCN203: Healthcare Resource Use in Patients with End-Stage Advanced Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL): Results of Seven Semi-Structured Interviews Across Leading UK Centres. Podkonjak T, Ovcinnikova O, Cranmer H, Benson EM, Hatswell AJ, Field F. Link

PCN356: How Should We Validate Utility Mapping Algorithms Before Use? An Example in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Gregory J, Dyer M, Hoyle C, Mann H, Hatswell AJ. Link

PRM133: Estimated Cost Savings from Dose Banding Guidance: A Case Study using Treatments for Stage IV Melanoma. Willis A, Bullement A, Sullivan W. Link

PRM135: DICE for NICE? Lessons from a Single Technology Appraisal. Sullivan W, Bullement A, Lee D. Link

PRM239: Does Matching Adjusted Indirect Comparison (MAIC) Work? Results from a Simulation Study. Hatswell AJ, Freemantle N, Baio G. Link

PSY167: Comparison of Pharmacoeconomic (PE) Evaluations for Drugs for Rare Diseases (DRDs) evaluated by CADTH and NICE. Gosain S, Bullement A, Kirby J, Ralph L, Lilley C, Lawrence D. Link

Thank you to everyone who made ISPOR Europe 2018 possible, and we look forward to attending next year.